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Brennan - Alexander Technique Workbook

Het boek Alexander Technique Workbook van de auteur Brennan is 1 maal gevonden, 0 maal nieuw en 1 maal tweedehands. "Alexander Technique Workbook" is tweedehands te koop vanaf € 54,00 bij Bol.com.

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The Alexander Technique <br /><br />Today, people often accept common ailments such as backache, headache, arthrieis, depression and nervous tension as being ‘normal’. We may readily believe che discomfort we suffer is a natural consequence of ‘wear and tear’, and not realize chat we can do something positive about ic. In fact, many common ailments stem from stress and a range of muscular tensions caused by bad posture or poor body co-ordination = which can increase as we grow older. Rather than being a natural part of the ageing process, these tensions, if unchecked. can accelerate it and can develop into illness and even cause deformity. Developed at che turn of the century by F. M. Alexander, che Alexander Technique is a simple method of learning to be more aware of how we move as we go about our everyday activlties. The aim is to regain the natural grace and balance of a child, and to discover easier and more efficient ways of movement thus reducing the everyday tensions which have built up during che years. In this step-by-step guide. Richard Brennan outlines che Alexander Technique and, by means of a series of simple exercises and procedures, shows how che technique can help us achieve a healthier and more balanced life. Richard Brennan is a qualified teacher of the Alexander Technique. He lives and works in Devon where he runs courses and workshops, as well as giving individual lessons. <br /><br /> The Alexander Technique is a method of releasing the physical and mental tensions that many of us have accumulated throughout our lives. Often we are unaware of these tensions until we become ill and are unable to go on. They can contribute to headaches, backache, heart problems, arthritis and depression, as well as a whole range of ailments too numerous to mention. If these unconscious muscular tensions are allowed to continue, as they often are, they can affect our quality of life by accelerating the ageing process and decreasing our vitality. The ease and grace with which we move slowly become lost as we take on more burdens and responsibilities. The Alexander Technique can help us to regain that poise and ease during even the most simple tasks. Our body is our most precious possession, yet we tend to give it the least attention — apart from when we are trying to look attractive. Without knowing it, we grossly interfere with our natural flow of movement to such an extent that many of us will at some time in our lives suffer from backache, solely due to poor posture. Yet there is nothing more attractive than someone who is moving in a balanced and co-ordinated way. Few people are aware that the Alexander Technique exists, and as a result many millions of people every year suffer needlessly. In this book I hope to explain the Alexander Technique as simply as possible, and through simple observation exercises and procedures to show clearly how it can help you to enjoy a happier and more fulfilling life. Brennan. has studied the Alexander Technique since 1983. He comes from a medical family and is now « fully qualified teacher of the technique, having undergone a three-year training at a college approved by the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique; he is also a member of Alexander Technique International, based in the USA, the aim of which is to bring the technique before a greater audience throughout the world. <br /><br />Richard Brennan runs a busy Alexander Technique practice in Galway Ireland, as well as teaching numerous adult education dasses and longer courses throughout the British Isles and Europe. He also gives talks and lectures at various schools, colleges and universities, for the press and radio, and at health and healing exhib‘tions. He has been a pioneer in helping to make the technique accessible to many thousands of people. He is currently in the process of setting up the first Alexander Technique teacher training college in Ireland.
€ 54,00
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