Het boek The Transcript Of The Registers Of The United Parishes Of S. Mary Woolnoth And S. Mary Woolchurch Haw, In The City Of London, From Their Commencement 1538 To 1760. To Which Is Prefixed A Short Account Of Both Parishes, List Of Rectors And Churchwardens, C van de auteur Brooke is 1 maal gevonden, 1 maal nieuw en 0 maal tweedehands. "The Transcript Of The Registers Of The United Parishes Of S. Mary Woolnoth And S. Mary Woolchurch Haw, In The City Of London, From Their Commencement 1538 To 1760. To Which Is Prefixed A Short Account Of Both Parishes, List Of Rectors And Churchwardens, C" is nieuw te koop vanaf € 21,00 bij Bol.com.