Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy - Montaillou

Het boek Montaillou van de auteur Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy is 1 maal gevonden, 0 maal nieuw en 1 maal tweedehands. "Montaillou" is tweedehands te koop vanaf bij

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London, Scolar Press, 1979. Gebonden met omslag 24x16. Reprinted. 383 pages. Translated by Barbara Bray. The village of Montaillou was the last stronghold of the cult of Catharism in medieval France. Under the Inquisition of Bishop Fournier, members of this sect were persecuted and some burnt at the stake, and the interrogations about the way they lived were chronicled in a Register. From this document Ladurie has reconstructed an intriguing account of everyday peasant life in a medieval village. 'Montaillou' gives us a glimpse into how people really lived 700 years ago: from their homes and the food they ate, to their body language and attitudes to sex..
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