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Ulricg Loock - Luc Tuymans

Het boek Luc Tuymans van de auteur Ulricg Loock is 1 maal gevonden, 0 maal nieuw en 1 maal tweedehands. "Luc Tuymans" is tweedehands te koop vanaf € 25,00 bij www.tweedehandsboek.eu.

Tweedehands (1) vanaf € 25,00 bij www.tweedehandsboek.eu Toon 1 tweedehands boek
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Luc Tuymans
Luc Tuymans
Luc Tuymans

We hebben 1 tweedehands advertentie gevonden

Luc Tuymans The surface of Tuymans' small paintings are monochromatic and frail, as if recuperating from a long illness. In the traditions of Flemish and Spanish still-life genre painting, they represent domestic scenes or commonplace objects. They resonate, however, with a sense of the uncanny. Hovering beneath the surface of Tuymans' quiet paintings are deep-seated anxieties that rise to the surface in his depictions of faces or parts of the body. Though modest in scale and sensitive in execution, the work's power lies in conveying a sense of violence or a haunting evocation of lost lives and repressed histories.;The interview with Aliaga traces the psychology and sources of Tuymans' work. Loock looks at his paintings through a series of exhibitions and the effect their installation has on our readings of them. Spector chooses "Pillows" to explore the narratives of lost loves and sleepless nights. 159 pg, bovenkant rug beschadiginh, ver goed. Serienummer 5778 ISBN nummer 7780714835518 NUR code Auteur Ulricg Loock Uitgeverij phaidon Uitgiftejaar Druk Prijs € 25.00   Bestellen
€ 25,00
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