Cécile Masson - Rose

Het boek Rose van de auteur Cécile Masson is 1 maal gevonden, 0 maal nieuw en 1 maal tweedehands. "Rose" is tweedehands te koop vanaf € 14,95 bij Bol.com.

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We hebben 1 tweedehands advertentie gevonden
Soort boek

Rose, an eighty-four-year-old lady questions in her letters to her ex-lover, the traditional way of relating to nature, to her own body and spirituality and discloses her most intimate thoughts on time passing by. The various characters echo the struggles of her own generation and that of her children and grandchildren and reflect how life itself has formed her emerging wisdom. Her deep love of nature’s diversity, mirrored in humankind, develops throughout the book. Rose, letters of love to life, is a wonderful and fascinating epistolary novel that invites the reader to sense rather than think and is an open invitation to slow down and get personal again.
€ 14,95
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