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Gerald B. Sklare - Brief Counseling That Works

Het boek Brief Counseling That Works van de auteur Gerald B. Sklare is 2 maal gevonden, 1 maal nieuw en 1 maal tweedehands. "Brief Counseling That Works" is nieuw te koop vanaf € 32,00 bij Bol.com. "Brief Counseling That Works" is tweedehands te koop vanaf € 40,94 bij Bol.com.

Nieuw (1) vanaf € 32,00 bij Bol.com Toon 1 nieuw boek
Tweedehands (1) vanaf € 40,94 bij Bol.com Toon 1 tweedehands boek
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We hebben 1 nieuw boek gevonden
Brief Counseling That Works

Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781483332338
Levertijd: 5

€ 32,00
We hebben 1 tweedehands advertentie gevonden
Soort boek

This book offers school counselors an effective and efficient approach to helping students through the use of Solution-Focused Brief Counseling (SFBC). The author presents a focused, step-by-step approach to counseling in schools that leads to rapid, observable change in students. The skills of conducting solution-talk discussions with students can help to reduce arguments, improve relationships, and teach young people to assume responsibility and make better decisions in a supportive environment. This new approach focuses on solutions rather than problems. Students learn how to set goals, rediscover their resources, and repeat past successes. This concise resource contains many tools and resources including: Reproducible materials for use with Solution-Focused Guided Imagery Short case studies and session transcripts to illustrate what SFBC looks like in practice Guidelines for using solution-focused methods with referred discipline cases Practice exercises to help readers apply the techniques Sample forms to use in SFBC
€ 40,94
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