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Hilde Smeesters - Elegance & Decadence

Het boek Elegance & Decadence van de auteur Hilde Smeesters is 1 maal gevonden, 0 maal nieuw en 1 maal tweedehands. "Elegance & Decadence" is tweedehands te koop vanaf € 61,20 bij Bol.com.

Tweedehands (1) vanaf € 61,20 bij Bol.com Toon 1 tweedehands boek
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'More is more'. That is the motto of paster decorator Pieter Porters. His interiors are rich, full and cosy; even a little decadent. Interiors in which people can really live. The luxurious finishing of Elegance & Decadance also reflects that grandness. What is the use of a lovely house or interior if you dare not live in it? If you are frightened of making something dirty or damaging it? In our eyes a house should be a warm nest, a place where after a busy day you can relax, and where family and friends are welcome. Whether we help build up a house from cellar to attic, or add atmosphere to an existing interior with a few well-chosen accessories, at House of Porters we want to create a timeless world, in which people will feel comfortable. We aim for warmth, light, homeliness, comfort. Cold interiors or harsh colours are not our thing. That does not mean that we never take on design or modern interiors, but even then we strive for that timeless atmosphere, regardless of trends or fashion fads. Our interiors are meant to grow and develop with their occupants throughout their lives. The interiors illustrated in this book show perfectly what the House of Porters stands for: sumptuous, homely, warm and elegant, with here and there a touch of decadence. Featuring interiors from all over the world including Belgium, The Netherlands, the UK, Germany and Colombia, the pictures by Studio Verne and the magnificent lay-out by Leen De Pooter will fully grasp the authenticity and vivacity of Pieter Porters' interiors. Text in English, French, German & Dutch.
€ 61,20
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ISBN: 9789020982862

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