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Richard Surman - Cathedral Cats

Het boek Cathedral Cats van de auteur Richard Surman is 1 maal gevonden, 0 maal nieuw en 1 maal tweedehands. "Cathedral Cats" is tweedehands te koop vanaf € 15,00 bij www.stormybooks.nl.

Tweedehands (1) vanaf € 15,00 bij www.stormybooks.nl Toon 1 tweedehands boek
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We hebben 1 tweedehands advertentie gevonden
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Conditiegoed Aantal pagina's96Uitgavejaar2006Uitgegeven doorCollins/HarperCollins PublishersKafthardcoverStofomslagjaISBN9780007235636Code [intern]SAAR Beschrijving boekThis appealing little book forms a group portrait of some of the most privileged cats in Britain that make their home in and around the grandeur of Britain's cathedrals. There is hardly a door or window that is closed to them; they have the run of roofs and vaults, nooks and crannies, cloisters and choirs. There are dozens of photographs of these ecclesiastical felines in these great churches and cathedrals, and each photo is accompanied by a pen portrait of the cat and its particular eccentricities. There is Biggles, for example, feline tyrant of Westminster Abbey, who was issued an official warning by the police after mauling a constable’s trousers! Find out about Tomkin, the patron cat of Chelmsford Cathedral, who was rescued from a derelict house in south London, or Olsen, the Siamese from Chester Cathedral whose nocturnal wanderings often end up at the local jazz club. This is a unique way to discover some of Britain's beautiful cathedrals, with plenty of feline interest along the way.
€ 15,00
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Country House Cats

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