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Rob Van Tulder - Skill Sheets

Het boek Skill Sheets van de auteur Rob Van Tulder is 3 maal gevonden, 1 maal nieuw en 2 maal tweedehands. "Skill Sheets" is nieuw te koop vanaf € 58,95 bij Bol.com. "Skill Sheets" is tweedehands te koop vanaf € 10,20 bij Bol.com.

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We hebben 1 nieuw boek gevonden
Skill Sheets

Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9789043033503
Levertijd: 1

€ 58,95
We hebben 2 tweedehands advertenties gevonden
Soort boek

Being a successful participant in today's society requires an array of complex skills. Whether you are a student, a manager or a researcher, vital skills are interconnected, skills can be taught... and learned. The development of skills is a lifelong and accumulative process which can be enhanced, provided there is a willingness to take some time to understand the basic principles. This book consists of a collection of circa one hundred skill sheets that explain the basic principles of skill development. The sheets are organized around a set of seven comprehensive skills: research, studying (self-management), reading, listening, writing, presenting and (project) management. Rather than developing these skills separately, the formula shows in a concise manner how they are related, and how one can (and should) work on many skills simultaneously. Students and managers as well as tutors and professors will find the Skill Sheets collection to be an eminently practical reference book, valid throughout their entire education and career. It enables them to focus on active learning, constructive communication and a smarter way of studying. The formula has been tested, improved and updated over the past fifteen years at a variety of universities, including the Erasmus University Rotterdam, one of Europe's leading educational institutions. This book is accompanied by a website (www.skillsheets.com) with interactive tools, checklists, and additional information on relevant skills. Rob van Tulder is a professor of International Business at Erasmus University Rotterdam, department of Business-Society Management. He has published books and articles on a wide range of topics, advises organizations both in the public and private domain, and conducts executive courses on international business and corporate responsibility.
€ 10,20
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Skill Sheets<br />An Integrated Approach to Research, Study and Management<br />Being a successful student in today's society requires a large number of complex skills. This book consists of sheets providing students with directions on how to develop these skills effectively.<br />The Skill Sheets are organized around a set of seven comprehensive skills: research, study (self-management), reading, listening, writing, presentation and team/project management. Rather than developing these skills separately, the Skill Sheets formula show, in a very concise manner, how they are related, and how one can work on many skills at the same time.<br />Students and managers, as well as tutors and professors, will find the Skill Sheets collection a very practical reference book throughout their entire education. It enables them to focus on active learning and studying smarter.<br />The Skill Sheets formula has been tested, improved and updated over the past ten years at the RSM Erasmus University, one of the leading business universities in Europe.<br />This book is accompanied by a website (www.skillsheets.com) with interactive tools, checklists, and additional information on relevant skills which can be constantly used throughout one's studies and beyond.<br />Rob van Tulder is professor of international business at RSM Erasmus University Rotterdam, department of Business-Society Management. He has published a large number of books and articles, and taught executive courses on international business and corporate responsibility.
€ 11,90
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