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Summer, Poems, Songs And Stories For Young Children

Het boek Summer, Poems, Songs And Stories For Young Children is 1 maal gevonden, 0 maal nieuw en 1 maal tweedehands. "Summer, Poems, Songs And Stories For Young Children" is tweedehands te koop vanaf € 13,00 bij www.deboekerijzutphen.nl.

Tweedehands (1) vanaf € 13,00 bij www.deboekerijzutphen.nl Toon 1 tweedehands boek
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We hebben 1 tweedehands advertentie gevonden
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter contain a wide variety of Poems, Songs and Stories of seasonal work, with many contributions for use at festivals. The Spindrift volume comprises general and miscellaneous material for use the whole year round, including over forty stories, many of which come from different cultures around the world. Gateways has sections on Morning, Evening, Birthdays and Fairytales.Founded out of the Waldorf kindergarten movement, these books provide an indispensable selection of material for working with young children.First published over 20 years ago, these books are now in their third edition, and after a very thorough re-editing, much new material has been included. In addition, the music has been comprehensively edited, with most songs now in the scale of D-pentatonic, particularly suitable for pentatonic lyres, but quite capable of being played on any traditional 7 or 12 note instrument. Each volume includes a most enlightening introduction to music in the Mood of the Fifth, written by Jennifer Aulie.The covers are all illustrated with watercolour paintings by David Newbatt, with the four seasonal titles each depicting a different workman."For those who have never had this collection, you are in for a treat. This is a rich resource for anyone working with young children. For those who have used the books for years, you will be torn between honouring your old friends, probably battered and falling apart by now, or replacing them with these beautiful new volumes."Joan AlmonWaldorf Early Childhood Association of North America.
€ 13,00
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